Mobile Development
by admin on Aug.13, 2013, under Web Development
Mobile development is all the rage now, particularily what is called ‘responsive design’. In a nutshell, responsive design is making a website that adjusts itself to fit the device it is being viewed on. This is incredibly important because over 50% of traffic comes from mobile devices and tablets – fully half your audience.
Did you catch that? If you don’t cater to mobile and tablets than you are alienating over 50% of your audience. That’s like having a front door that randomly locks for half the people coming into the store, I don’t think anybody in business would call that a good idea. :-)
Check out this site in a browser: then in a smart phone. See how it changes? The page collapses to fit the narrow screen of a mobile phone and some elements are removed to make it simpler. This could be the difference between a mobile phone user getting frustrated and going to the competition vs. going with your company.
M5Media can tell you more, contact us for a free consultation.